Treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

Lumbar osteochondrosis affects many patients. This is an unpleasant and very dangerous disease, which can subsequently lead to unpleasant complications. And, by the way, among all the varieties of this disease, this is found much more often in medical practice, since the lower back has more loads. At the same time, the spine does not receive a sufficient amount of nutrients, the intervertebral discs lose their elasticity and simply dry out. The back cannot withstand such heavy loads, the fibrous ring protrudes in different directions and breaks.



If a patient complains of acute pain in the lumbar region, this does not mean that he has osteochondrosis of the lumbar or lumbosacral region. However,to identify the cause of the disease, the physician must diagnose the patient. And for this he:

  • probes the affected area, trying to identify the inflammatory processes that the patient complains about;
  • evaluates posture, whether it looks straight or not, how curved it is;
  • can send a patient for further examination - X-rays;
  • appoints an additional examination using computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging.


The most important symptom of lumbar osteochondrosis is unbearable low back pain. And this symptom occurs immediately or after a while, after intense physical exertion. In this case, the nature of the pain can be completely different:

  • the painful lower back pain becomes unbearable and can radiate to the leg;
  • whenever a patient tries to do some kind of physical work, the pain begins to intensify, in addition, this symptom can occur when coughing, masturbating and changing the position of the body;
  • as soon as the patient remains in the same position for a long time, any attempt to change position causes pain in the lumbar region;
  • the back muscles are constantly tense, as if the patient is constantly carrying weights;
  • following the slightest hypothermia, the lower back begins to "shoot";
  • the nerve endings in the buttocks, knees, feet begin to atrophy, that is, the sensitivity in these places decreases;
  • goosebumps and mild tingling sensations appear in the legs; feet get cold;
  • the arteries in the feet may spasm and the pulse may be poorly perceived;
  • the patient begins to sweat actively;
  • In the affected area, the skin becomes dry and begins to peel off.

Help: It should be remembered that osteochondrosis can turn into an acute stage if, with the primary symptoms, it continues to load the back or severely cools the body.

Osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, treatment

Treatment of osteochondrosis

In our time there are various schemes for the treatment of the disease. There is drug therapy, acupuncture, there is also gymnastics for osteochondrosis. But, in any case, the doctor prescribes the method of treatment.If a patient self-medicates, it can exacerbate the disease and end very badly.

Important: it should be remembered that osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is a disease from which it is very difficult to recover. You can completely get rid of it only in the first or second stage.

Protocol and scheme

There are many methods to treat osteochondrosis, but the treatment regimen is the same. It is necessary to reduce the load on the spine and strengthen the muscles of the back and lumbar spine. It is also necessary to normalize the nutrition of the spine by restoring metabolic processes and blood circulation. And the ultimate victory will be to regain the sensitivity of the lower body.

First aid

  1. When sudden acute pain envelops the lumbar region, it is necessary, first of all, to insulate this area with something warm (wool scarf, heating pad, etc. ). But at the same time, it is necessary to make sure that the affected area is warm and not hot.
  2. The body must be placed on something solid and flat (bench, table, table, floor).
  3. A roller should be placed under the back, in the lumbar region. But if the lower limbs are tense, the roller should be placed under the knees.
  4. Call a doctor and get some painkillers before he arrives.

Conservative and operational methods

Methods of treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine are divided into conservative methods of treatment and surgical methods of treatment. What is the difference? Andthe difference lies in the fact that with conservative methods of treatment, the doctor uses a complex technique that affects different areas of medicine.

Methods of treatment

That is, this technique implies long-term and sometimes unsuccessful treatment. Surgical intervention depends on the neglect of the disease. For example, an operation, as one of the methods of surgical treatment, is extreme, but without it it is impossible.

Effective Conservative Methods

In the initial stages, drugs and wellness gymnastics are suitable for suppressing pain and normalizing the metabolism. But, if the disease progresses to more severe stages, the doctor may prescribe physical therapy, as well as surgery. Also, in the latter case, this method is considered extreme, but quite effective. The most important thing in the treatment of osteochondrosis is not to load the spine and at the same time try to immobilize the inflammatory foci.


  1. The simplest and most effective drug for acute pain are painkillers (analgin, amidopyrine, phenacetin, etc. ). Drugs relieve pain but do not eliminate the cause.
  2. In addition, doctors prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs that act on the root nerves and eliminate swelling. Such drugs reduce and eliminate foci of inflammatory processes.
  3. In case of disease of 3-4 degrees, local anesthetics are prescribed (for example, novocaine).
  4. To eliminate spastic muscle contraction, the doctor prescribes muscle relaxants.
  5. Condoprotectors are used to normalize metabolism and restore cartilage tissue. This treatment reduces the risk of cartilage deformation and tissue destruction.
  6. In combination with medicines, the patient is prescribed vitamin B. This group of vitamins improves the body's metabolism, reduces inflammation, is a natural diuretic that allows you to get rid of excess fluid.
  7. Diuretics may also be prescribed.
  8. In order to improve the patient's condition, he is prescribed drugs that increase the immunity of the body as a whole.
  9. To complete the picture, there are drugs that improve blood circulation in the place where there is a lesion.

Physical education

Practice shows that physical therapy helps with osteochondrosis. And not only does it help, in the Far East it is practiced daily and, above all, prescribed to patients. At the moment, there are various methods of gymnastic exercises to combat this disease.And among the ancient techniques they practice yoga, qigong, etc.

Which complex of gymnastic exercises to perform is decided by the doctor together with the patient. But it should be remembered that each technique has its own indications and contraindications. For example, severe forms of the disease cannot be treated with physiotherapy exercises. At the doctor's decision, gymnastic exercises can be combined with drugs and physiotherapy.


It has happened that in our country physiotherapy is prescribed, mainly, after drug treatment has proved invalid. Although a person is constantly affected by some physiological processes.

The principle of physiotherapy is that the body is influenced by simple physical processes (with the help of current, magnet, etc. ). But unlike natural phenomena, physiotherapy methods help direct the effects of influence methods in the right direction. That is, take, for example, electrotherapy. With the help of current, doctors help normalize metabolism or remove spasms.



Massage is prescribed for patients who are recovering. But, in some cases, massage can be prescribed during an exacerbation of the disease. Then only the healthy parts of the body are massaged.A session of a lesson usually lasts 15-20 minutes and the number of sessions takes up to 7 procedures.

But this technique is dangerous for an amateur, so it's best to make an appointment with a professional. At the same time, it is now possible to do massages both with hands and with special devices.

Classes on specialized simulators

Doctors believe that the treatment of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine largely depends on the patient's own desire and aspiration. The method of curing a disease is like choosing an instrument through which healing is possible.Exercise machines are one of the tools that help improve the condition and recover quickly from an illness. But doctors recommend going to the gym when the patient is recovering and the disease begins to subside.

Among these simulators that will help in this matter are:

  • horizontal bar;
  • expander;
  • cardiovascular equipment;
  • gym (in this case it is better to sign up for special courses, where the patient will have their own personal trainer who will help in the choice of simulators).

Joint injections

When the disease worsens, the doctor may prescribe treatments by injection. It is an effective remedy in which the spine artificially receives all the nutrients and trace elements. In this case, the injections act directly on the spine, the pain sensations pass much faster.But this method belongs to drug treatment, which means it can have its side effects. Therefore, injections should be performed under the clear guidance of the attending physician.


Swimming is considered an additional treatment. But at the same time, everyone must know thatBefore you start exercising in the water, you need to warm up to warm up your muscles. In this case, the water should be at least 27-30 ° C. And after each lesson, you can safely lower the temperature to 23 ° C. Proper breathing is the key to a successful workout. First you need to take a deep breath and then a short breath. And you should also choose the right exercises and swimming technique.

To get positive results, you must first swim 30-100m with a pillow in your hands. So you need to rest a little, then hold the pillow between your legs and swim the same amount, working only with your hands. Then rest again and swim 20-30 m breaststroke without holding your breath. After some rest and you can continue.

First you need to immerse your body in the water up to your chest and start walking in place, then walk around the pool. Then lift your knees as high as possible and spread your arms out to the sides at the same time. Think about your breaststroke swim. Do the same, leaning only on the side. After that, you need to lean forward, keeping your hands on the belt. So imagine you are a hippo and stretch your belly back and forth. Then, holding aside, do a few squats.

How much is treated and what will happen if not treated

The duration of treatment for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine depends on the neglect of the disease. Basically, when the patient first visits the hospital, the doctor prescribes a treatment (course), which lasts a certain time (it all depends on the method). It is also necessary to take into account that the patient behaved during the course. As this disease is chronic in the severe stages of the disease, symptoms may recur and treatment will need to be repeated.


In order not to feel for yourself what osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine is, you need to observe the following rules:

  • if your work is connected to physical activity, then it is necessary not to overload your back and rest it;
  • starts playing sports, in particular by strengthening the back muscles;
  • observe your posture; move more often, evening walks are best;
  • observe proper nutrition (not to be confused with a diet, proper nutrition is a complete balance of all vitamins and microelements);
  • follow the correct rest routine;
  • osteochondrosis can cause other back problems, so pay attention to your health at that time.

Which doctor to contact

When a patient begins to have back pain, the first thing to do is to consult a local doctor. But, in this case, he only identifies the external symptoms and heads further for examination. And the first person he will write a referral to isa neurologist or a vertebrologist.

These two doctors deal specifically with the problem of osteochondrosis. But when a patient is in remission, masseurs, exercise instructors, physical therapists, and many others come into play, depending on the type of recovery activity prescribed by the doctor.


Osteochondrosis is a rather unpleasant disease. But, as practice shows, the main patients in hospitals are those people who have not monitored their health. Therefore, remember thattimely detection of the disease and its prevention will cost you much less than in the advanced stage of the disease.